Awards 2013

POPAI Award 2013
Gold and bronze

On 17.06.2013 the gala for the award ceremony of the POPAI (Point of Purchase Advert­ising Inter­na­tional) Awards took place in Düssel­dorf. Lichtenau Displays KG is delighted to win two Awards.

The display manufac­turer received gold awards in the category “Travel, Leisure and Automotive” and a bronze award in “Food, Daily Needs and Confec­tionery – Temporary”, among others. “We are proud that our displays were able to stand up to those of the many other parti­cipants,” reports plant manager Bernhard Schinner. The submitted displays were evalu­ated by a jury of experts as follows, taking the following evalu­ation criteria into account: aesthetic quality and design, produc­tion and mater­ials, commu­nic­a­tion and image, general impact and effect­ive­ness in terms of goals, creativity, innov­a­tion, origin­ality and many more.

FTA Award 2013

The FTA Award (Excel­lence in Flexo­graphy Awards) is one of the most important awards for flexo printing in the USA. The awards were presented in May 2017. Among the numerous entries Wellpappe Auerswald KG was awarded a gold award. Submis­sions were made under the category “Combined Corrug­ated, Screen”. Range, ink coverage, sharp­ness and many other criteria were evaluated.