
Quality is the opposite of chance!

Quality policy

The market success of our products is closely linked to their quality. Our ultimate goal is to fulfil the expect­a­tions and require­ments of our customers. We aim to achieve this goal with the following principles: customer-oriented thinking and action, high quality and reliab­ility, process reliab­ility, quali­fied and motiv­ated employees, continuous improve­ments, sustain­ab­ility and hygiene.

Quality manage­ment

Complete and permanent quality control as well as document­a­tion is carried out from when the goods come in, through the entire produc­tion processes all the way to when the goods go out. Incon­sist­en­cies can be quickly resolved and adjusted accord­ingly. System­atic trace­ab­ility, as required by the food industry, for example, is ensured at every stage during production.

Company Quality

Facts and figures

  • Year estab­lished: 1885
  • Corrug­ated cardboard plants: 2
  • Processing plants: 4
  • Employees: 700
  • Corrug­ated cardboard: 240 Mio. qm
  • Solid cardboard: 15.000 Tonnen
  • Produc­tion and storage area: 150.000 qm


Our plants are BRCGS, DIN ISO 9001, DIN ISO 14001, DIN ISO 50001 and PSO certi­fied. These system­atic manage­ment systems ensure our current product quality, product hygiene and sustainability.

Require­ments such as the BRC Global Standard certi­fic­a­tion are estab­lished with us and will be expanded further. There­fore our produc­tion sites meet market and customer standards.

Our quality manage­ment system puts us in an excel­lent position in all areas of quality control, pre-press, printing processes, envir­on­ment, energy, sustain­ab­ility and hygiene. We can safeguard these areas through defined processes, controls, continuous optim­isa­tion and personnel training.

  • BRCGS (Global Standard)To ensure hygienic condi­tions in the produc­tion of direct food packaging.
  • GMPThe ECMA-GMP certi­ficate confirms compli­ance with all applic­able guidelines and laws for food packaging.
  • FSC® C038061Solid and corrug­ated cardboard are obtained from sustain­able forest Management.
  • ISO 9001This certi­fic­a­tion documents and checks the quality manage­ment System.
  • PSO PSO (Process Standard Offset) stand­ard­ises produc­tion from print data input, through printing plate produc­tion, to the printing process.
  • Foodboard: FOODBOARD™ is a carton­board with a functional barrier for safe food packaging. The carton has been suitable for use in food packaging since 2016.
  • Green­house gas balance – The verific­a­tion confirms the correct calcu­la­tion of our green­house gas balance.
  • Product carbon footprint – The verific­a­tion confirms the correct calcu­la­tion of our product portfolio.
  • BRCGS (Global Standard)To ensure hygienic condi­tions in the produc­tion of direct food Packaging.
  • FSC® C106357 – Solid and corrug­ated cardboard are obtained from sustain­able forest Management.
  • ISO 9001 – This certi­fic­a­tion documents and checks the quality manage­ment system.
  • ISO 50001 – This certi­fic­a­tion documents and checks the energy manage­ment system.
  • ISO 14001 – This certi­fic­a­tion documents and checks the envir­on­mental manage­ment system.
  • Green­house gas balance – The verific­a­tion confirms the correct calcu­la­tion of our green­house gas balance.
  • Product carbon footprint – The verific­a­tion confirms the correct calcu­la­tion of our product portfolio.
  • BRCGS (Global Standard)To ensure hygienic condi­tions in the produc­tion of direct food packaging.
  • FSC® C106356 Solid and corrug­ated cardboard are obtained from sustain­able forest Management.
  • ISO 9001This certi­fic­a­tion documents and checks the quality manage­ment System.
  • ISO 50001This certi­fic­a­tion documents and checks the energy manage­ment system.
  • ISO 14001This certi­fic­a­tion documents and checks the envir­on­mental manage­ment system.

National and inter­na­tional awards

We success­fully serve our customers with custom packaging and displays. For us, being evalu­ated by independent expert jurors is the icing on the cake and a further recog­ni­tion of our work. For years we have enjoyed success in various areas with our high-quality work.

The envir­on­ment in focus

Our envir­on­ment is important! So we try to keep the impact of produc­tion processes on the envir­on­ment as low as possible. We are constantly looking for poten­tial ways to improve our produc­tion process! This is demon­strated by the fact that we have already imple­mented an envir­on­mental and that all our plants are allowed to manufac­ture with sustain­ably produced solid or corrug­ated board.
We have set ourselves the goal of making an active contri­bu­tion to envir­on­mental protec­tion, as demon­strated by the following variety of projects.

Green­house gas balance and product carbon footprint

Sustain­ab­ility and resource conser­va­tion have been essen­tial compon­ents of our envir­on­mental policy for years. Climate-friendly packaging is becoming increas­ingly important, which is why we have decided to take another step in this direc­tion. As an independent verific­a­tion body, we have commis­sioned TÜV Süd to verify our processes and data. After careful review and analysis, our factory in Brand/​Opf. was confirmed to have a qualit­at­ively correct green­house gas balance and a consistent product CO2 footprint. ISO 14064 and ISO 14067 were used as stand­ard­ised norms.

By commis­sioning TÜV Süd, we have ensured a trans­parent audit for 2018, 2019 and 2020. Existing systems and data were verified and analysed. Green­house gas emissions and the estab­lished energy manage­ment system ISO 50001 were included in the analysis, among other things. Material savings are valuable for the conser­va­tion of resources and are practiced, for example, in the optimum use of printed sheets.

CO2 optimised packaging

To ensure our produc­tion of CO2 optim­ised packaging, we plan to repeat this volun­tary verific­a­tion by TÜV Süd every year.

Our packaging is officially considered CO2 optim­ised packaging. We do not use the term “climate neutral” for our packaging. Ultimately, the two terms “CO2 optim­ised” and “climate neutral” mean the same thing: offset­ting emissions. Out of self-respons­ib­ility, we have chosen the path described above, since proper and real climate neutrality cannot be achieved directly.

Owner­ship of regional forests

Our native forests have a variety of functions. We all benefit from the health and vitality of existing forest ecosystems. 
In the course of verifying our green­house gas and product carbon footprint, we have decided to purchase additional regional forest land as an exten­sion of our existing emission reduc­tion efforts. The proper­ties not only serve to reduce green­house gases, but also to protect regional forests, which are also managed sustain­ably and in a manner close to nature. 

Packaging material made of grass fibres

We under­stand the need to use resources sparingly. Packaging made of solid and corrug­ated board/​fibreboard is always subject to ecolo­gical resource utilisa­tion, even if wood is a renew­able raw material. Never­the­less, the advant­ages of packaging made of solid and corrug­ated board/​fibreboard as opposed to plastic or aluminium packaging outweigh the disad­vant­ages in many respects. 

We opted to use grass fibres in packaging as the raw material, grass, meets our and your high stand­ards for protecting the envir­on­ment and its resources. Grass is a quickly renew­able raw material and comes from compens­a­tion areas that have not previ­ously been used. Following drying, it is pressed into grass pellets. The simple handling of grass in the manufac­turing process reduces water and energy consump­tion and is intended to reduce CO2 emissions.

Vehicle fleet

Our motto “Focus on the envir­on­ment” also applies to our vehicle fleet. There­fore, we have decided to expand our vehicle fleet at the Brand factory by an electric car, after we found out with our gas-powered vehicles that the network of filling stations in our area was signi­fic­antly reduced. An electric car does not emit any CO2 during opera­tion and, with 0% emissions, is an envir­on­ment­ally friendly altern­ative to vehicles with internal combus­tion engines. By means of the intel­li­gent recuper­a­tion of braking energy, the electric motor can be used as a gener­ator and the energy gained can be stored in the battery.

Effect­ively and efficiently

The eGolf can be charged directly on site. The subject is rounded off by the fact that photo­vol­taic systems generate renew­able electri­city on the roof of the produc­tion building.

Important inform­a­tion: Our own truck fleet consists mainly of the Euro V Blue Tec Eco Gener­a­tion. This helps to save fuel and protect the environment.

Renew­able energy at the Brand and Lichtenau sites 

The sun’s energy, which arrives in the earth’s atmosphere, is relat­ively constant. We have used this to our advantage at our sites in Brand/​Opf. and Lichtenau. Photo­vol­taic systems installed on the roofs of Schiet­tinger KG, Wellpappe Auerswald KG and LCS GmbH & Co. KG generate clean electricity.

In 2017, approx. 20.5 % of the electri­city was gener­ated at the Lichtenau site.

Using solar energy for packaging and displays.

Company history

(Picture: Goeppingen ca. 1900)

Our biggest milestones!

In 1885 the Schiet­tinger company was founded by Carl Friedrich Schiet­tinger in Goeppingen as a raw cardboard packaging works with printing and lithography.

In 1914 the company took over the former cardboard factory in Brand/​Oberp­falz.

In 1935 the first offset printing machine was put into opera­tion in Goeppingen.

In 1960 the produc­tion of corrug­ated cardboard was commenced in Brand.

In 1991 the plant Wellpappe (Corrug­ated cardboard) Auerswalde KG was founded in Lichtenau.

In 2001 the produc­tion of displays was added as a further product group at the Lichtenau plant.

In 2019 expan­sion of produc­tion and office space in Brand/​Opf.

In 2022 Found­a­tion of LCS – Lichtenau Corrug­ated Services GmbH & Co. KG and commis­sioning of a coating line for paper finishing and expan­sion of the produc­tion and storage area at the Lichtenau site.

In 2023 Lichtenau Display KG is incor­por­ated into Wellpappe Auerswalde KG.