A closer cooper­a­tion is now planned between the training depart­ment of Schiet­tinger from Brand and the Fichtel­naabtal Middle School in Ebnath-Neusorg. The two partners strengthened their long-standing cooper­a­tion in a cooper­a­tion agree­ment and have estab­lished new goals. The training manager of the manufac­turer of packaging and displays made of solid and corrug­ated cardboard, Markus Schönl, worked together on the new paper with the Rector Alexander Köstler and the teacher Philipp Lippert, who is respons­ible for careers orient­a­tion at the school and also in the Tirschen­reuth district, with measures that should benefit the middle school students from the region.
According to this, the school will be supported in its pedago­gical work in the future through stronger refer­ence to reality, which will improve career orient­a­tion and prepar­a­tion. The aim is to give the company a better insight into the possib­il­ities and services of the school. Further­more, in addition to the already estab­lished company visits and intern­ships, the focus is on a regular exchange between the company and the school. Topics such as the current training and applic­a­tion situation, neces­sary compet­ences, new devel­op­ments, require­ments and wishes are to be the focus of atten­tion and there­fore make the young people fit for a successful start in their profes­sional life.
At joint events, trainees from Schiet­tinger can present their profes­sion at school, training for job inter­views can be provided and workshop days can be offered, among other things. Two gear wheels with the respective coats of arms are to serve as a symbol for a successful and closely “inter­locked” partner­ship. School associ­ation chairman Wolfgang Söllner welcomed the campaign and thanked everyone involved for the work on it. 

Image: Rector Alexander Köstler (from left), Mayor and School associ­ation chairman Wolfgang Söllner, Teacher Philipp Lippert and Training manager at Schiet­tinger Markus Schönl. Text and image: soj (The New Day)

Cooperation between the middle school and Schiettinger