The doors of the confer­ence centre in Nurem­berg closed after three busy days of the FachPack trade fair where the Schiet­tinger Group had showcased its extensive product range at the exhib­i­tion which ran from 25 to 27 September 2018.

A host of discus­sions were held and inter­esting contacts were estab­lished over these three days. A range of creative, sophist­ic­ated and brilliantly technical packaging solutions and displays were presented on the Schiet­tinger Group stand. Finishes such as embossing, spot varnishing, matt or gloss coatings can all be produced in accord­ance with customer require­ments. Self-adhesive seals and tear-open strips are all-important compon­ents of shipping packaging which ensure the packaging is easy to handle. Packaging can be produced using various printing processes such as offset printing, high-quality flexo­graphic printing and digital printing.

The Food Safe Box is a packaging solution produced by the Schiet­tinger Group which is designed to be in direct contact with food. This product garnered a great deal of atten­tion from exhib­i­tion visitors. The raw mater­ials used in this solution have been carefully selected to guarantee compli­ance with the latest EU regula­tions on food packaging.
The Schiet­tinger Group comprises the plant in Göppingen, which produces folding boxes; packaging manufac­turer Fr. Schiet­tinger KG, which is located in Brand; Wellpappe Auerswalde KG and display manufac­turer Lichtenau Display KG.