Packaging is one of mankind’s oldest technologies and, over time, simple containers have become high-tech packaging made of various materials and shapes. Packaging is still an important detail for distribution. As a packaging manufacturer, we supply diverse industries with our packaging and display solutions. We have a wealth of experience in every single industry we serve and can advise and assist accordingly.
Societal changes bring us smaller packaging units, ready meals, increasing online trade and packaging whose origin should be as natural and sustainable as possible. Every product is based on a long journey and sophisticated development. The right packaging must fulfil numerous criteria, as it contributes to purchasing decisions and ensures the product protection.
Packaging must fulfil several tasks and be based on a well thought-out design, as it is the link from the product manufacturer – via bricks & mortar or online retailers – to the end customer. We serve each industry with one or more of our packaging or display solutions and know what tricks are sometimes needed to create user-friendly packaging.
Selected industries!
Fruit & vegetables
Bakery products
Snacks and confectionery
Other foodstuffs
Consumer goods of all kinds
Pet supplies