
Our packaging products

Diversity is our strength!

As a packaging manufac­turer, we’ve been involved in high-quality packaging for over 135 years. Each of our plants special­ises in a partic­ular product range.

This means we have an innov­ative pool of machinery to choose from when it comes to packaging and display manufac­ture. Your contact person will give you detailed inform­a­tion about the options avail­able to you.

Envir­on­ment­ally conscious choices and developments

Envir­on­ment­ally friendly products that have as little impact on the envir­on­ment as possible, thus ensuring a green footprint, are in vogue among consumers. As a packaging manufac­turer, we specialise in packaging made of solid and corrug­ated board. The benefits of packaging made from natur­ally renew­able raw mater­ials outweigh those of plastic packaging or other packaging mater­ials in several respects, from produc­tion to recyc­ling, thus ensuring a sustain­able material cycle.

This envir­on­mental aspect and the natural feel and look of solid and corrug­ated board are convin­cing and reflect your envir­on­mental concerns.
With a well thought-out packaging design, plastic or metal can be conserved or completely replaced. Our Food safe box, for example, is suitable for direct food contact. Our Food safe box can replace aluminium or plastic trays.

Devel­op­ments such as the Food safe box and the use of grass fibres in packaging show our commit­ment to offering effective and envir­on­ment­ally friendly alternatives.

Quality packaging and display solutions

High-quality packaging and displays require effective and efficient quality manage­ment. Quality, hygiene and safety are subject to constant inspec­tions and modific­a­tion. We are thus able to ensure that current EU regula­tions and ISO stand­ards are being complied with. All our factories are BRCGS-certi­fied, and high hygiene certi­fic­a­tion stand­ards require ongoing further devel­op­ment. Our certi­fic­ates are avail­able for you to download.

Packaging and display devel­op­ment is an important building block and complex task on the journey towards refined and econom­ical packaging or displays. In design, packaging and displays are developed that are suitable for applic­a­tions at all levels, according to the partic­ular product and your requirements.

At the POS, for example, you want to create incent­ives for purchasing. Criteria such as haptics, stability, strength, closure systems, goods present­a­tion, recog­ni­tion and easy handling are crucial features that we take into account.

In packaging printing, we achieve excel­lent printing results with printing methods such as offset and flexo­graphic printing. Depending on the usage of your packaging or displays, we’ll recom­mend the appro­priate printing method for you. This way, you’ll get maximum atten­tion and ensure visual encoun­ters that lead to purchasing decisions.

Our pre-press depart­ment processes your print file according to the selected printing process, thus ensuring profes­sional handling in this area as well.

With our extensive and long-standing packaging knowledge, you’ll receive packaging or displays tailored to your needs.