grass packaging

Grass packaging

Envir­on­ment­ally friendly packaging with grass cardboard!
Packaging made of solid and corrug­ated board/​fibreboard containing grass!

Grass packaging made of solid and corrug­ated board containing grass scores points for its eco-balance and appear­ance. The struc­ture of grass paper and cardboard is unlike that of any other material; it feels slightly fibrous in parts and is charac­ter­ised by its natur­ally struc­tured appear­ance. The appear­ance of “grass” packaging conveys your envir­on­mental creden­tials to end customers and thus promotes your envir­on­ment­ally friendly products.

Up to 30% grass is in grass paper and cardboard. This grass is obtained without using chemicals. The grass comes from compens­a­tion areas and is dried after cutting and then pressed into pellets. During produc­tion, either fresh wood fibres or waste paper fibres are processed and the grass pellets are mixed in at the desired ratio. Less water and energy is thus required in production.

The use of grass fibres in packaging sustain­ably improves your eco-balance.

Construc­tion and design are of course possible according to your wishes.

The advant­ages of grass packaging 

Quickly renew­able raw material!

Conser­va­tion of wood!

Reduced water and energy consumption!

No use of land for the feed industry!

Reduc­tion of CO2 emissions!

Suitable for food packaging!