Last Friday, the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) Regensburg for Oberpfalz / Kelheim honoured 250 examiners for their many years of voluntary work. “They have all worked countless times for the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) – and therefore for the regional economy and the well-being of young people. Their exemplary voluntary commitment is an important part of the life of our society,” emphasised Chamber of Commerce (IHK) Vice President Rita Högl at the award ceremony on board the Kristallkönigin.
Among those honoured is Mr. Markus Schönl, responsible for training in the field of packaging materials at the Schiettinger KG Brand plant.
He has been working as an examiner at the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) on a voluntary basis for over 20 years and during this time has not only verified exams but has also successfully accompanied over 200 trainees in Brand to their respective professional qualifications.
Ensuring the quality of training and further education
The examiners on the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) examination board jointly determine and evaluate the examination performance, thereby ensuring the quality of the apprenticeships and further education. They are often released from work to carry out the exams. Chamber of Commerce (IHK) Vice President Högl therefore also thanked the entrepreneurs and directors of the vocational schools for releasing the examiners for their voluntary work and thus, in many cases, making the examiners’ work possible in the first place.
“Examination verification is one of the most important and extensive tasks that we as the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) perform for regional companies,” emphasised Högl. “Without the great commitment of the volunteer examiners, it would not be possible to organise apprenticeship and further education examinations as well as technical and specialist knowledge examinations. And without examinations there would be no qualified young talent.”
Source: IHK Regensburg
Chamber of Commerce (IHK) Vice President Rita Högl and Managing Director Dr. Jürgen Helmes presented Markus Schönl with the golden badge of honour. Mr. Schönl began his training in 1988 as a packaging mechanic at the Brand site and successfully completed his examination as an industrial master craftsman specialising in paper processing in 2000. He also became a trainer and examiner in the same year.