The logistics construc­tion at the Lichtenau location in the Wellpappe Auerswalde and LCS plants was success­fully put into opera­tion. The new automated pallet warehouse demon­strates the company’s commit­ment to Germany as a business location.

Increased flows of goods and limited storage capacity meant that external warehouses were rented, however, this made trans­port routes longer, more complex and more complic­ated. There­fore, plans were made for a new central warehouse in Lichtenau.
The building was constructed on a vacant neigh­bouring property with a direct connec­tion to the Wellpappe Auerswalde factory. The connec­tion to produc­tion and the existing warehouse is via an 80 metre long bridge with automated roller conveyor techno­logy. From there, the dispatch staff feed the finished pallets into the high-bay rack system. Both storage and goods issue are fully automated; these processes are supported and organ­ised by an appro­priate warehouse manage­ment system. If there are disrup­tions in an aisle or if an aisle is closed due to mainten­ance, the pallets affected will be redirected.

This now makes it possible to store all pallets centrally, as there are suffi­cient storage spaces on site. Provi­sion has also been made for the further devel­op­ment of the location!

Outgoing goods

Winner Logo

Connecting bridge between produc­tion & warehouse

High bay storage