Punching machinery replaced at Göppingen site

The new machine was delivered to the folding box manufac­turer Fr. Schiet­tinger in Göppingen at the start of November 2020, with the old punching machines being dismantled and loaded a few days earlier. The first automatic punching machine was success­fully...

Starting their careers

A total of eleven young men and women have begun their training this year at the Göppingen, Brand and Lichtenau sites.All trainees made a good start to their training under the applic­able hygiene regula­tions. The initial weeks are spent meeting colleagues,...

A visit from policy-makers

On 13 October 2020, Marco Wander­witz (Federal Govern­ment Commis­sioner for Eastern Germany in the Ministry of Economic Affairs), Matthias Damm (District Admin­is­trator for the Central Saxony district), Dr. Lothar Beier (Deputy District Admin­is­trator), Andreas...